The Fox and the Grapes (Step 2)

ReadOasis Step 2 A hungry fox saw some fine grapes. The grapes were hanging in a high place on a [...]

The Wordy Turtle

ReadOasis Step 1 Once upon a time, a turtle named Kameko lived in a lake with two Ducks. The Ducks [...]

Momotaro — The Peach Boy (Step 1)

A Story from JapanReadOasis Step 1 Long ago in Japan, there lived a poor old man and woman. The old [...]

The Fearful Rabbits

Adapted from Aesop ReadOasis Step 3 Rabbits, as you know, are very shy. Even a little shadow sends them running [...]

Sticky Communication (Step 2)

ReadOasis Step 2(Part 1) The bell rang. Jim’s things were already in his red book bag, which looked brown under [...]

The Wise Goat and the Wolf

More Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt ReadOasis Step 2 Once upon a time, many, many wild Goats lived in [...]

The Rabbit (Step 1)

As told by Hugh Lupton ReadOasis Step 1 In a small town in the south of Oregon, young John Jones [...]

The Farmer and the Actor (Step 1)

By AesopReadOasis Step 1 It was summer in a small country town. An actor was visiting from the big city. [...]

Dawn and the Matches

Adapted from The Little Match Girl By Hans Christian Andersen ReadOasis Step 2 The air was cold. Snow was falling [...]

Happy to Write

ReadOasis Step 2 Mr. Sully stood in front of the class. His old, blue suit looked dirty and worn. His [...]