At ReadOasis.com, we grade stories into levels. What level is good for you?
Many English learners read at the wrong level — where they only know 70% of the words in a story. This is a big mistake.
You need to know 95%-98% of the words in a story. Think 95% is readable. And 98% is enjoyable. When you read at the right level, you can understand and enjoy stories. At this level, you don’t need a dictionary. And you can learn new words just by reading.
At ReadOasis.com, we use two level systems.
We use a famous level system called the “Common European Framework of Reference.” Usually teachers just call this “CEFR.” Learners and teachers around the world know CEFR. This helps teachers and students choose stories at the right level for reading.
We use a modified version of CEFR with 10 levels. Using TextInspector, we grade stories at these levels:
- A1-Basic
- A2-Beginner+
- A3-Beginner++
- B1-Intermediate
- B2-Intermediate+
- B3-Intermediate++
- C1-Advanced
- C2-Advanced+
- C3-Advanced++
- D1-University — D2-University+
We also use the British National Corpus (BNC) for grading vocabulary.
- Step 1: 95% of the words come from the BNC 1000 words.
- Step 2: 95% of the words come from the BNC 1000-2000 words.
- Step 3: 95% of the words come from the BNC 1000-3000 words.
- Step 4: 95% of the words come from the BNC 1000-4000 words.
- Step 5: 95% of the words come from the BNC 1000-5000 words.
Choose stories at your level, so you can understand and enjoy stories.
When you feel like you know 100% of the words in a level, move up to the next level!