Death of a King: Medgar Evers

ReadOasis Step 2 Every day Medgar Evers worked hard. He was doing his best to bring equal rights for African [...]

Critical Thinking and Happiness

ReadOasis Step 2 James Inhofe stood before the top leaders in the United States, and he started his speech. Reaching [...]

Experience a Renaissance

ReadOasis Step 3 The word renaissance means "rebirth." In history, the Renaissance refers to the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries [...]

The Seven Habits Made Easy

ReadOasis Step 2(Part 1) Max is running late. He hurries out the door of his apartment, holding a cup of [...]

The Post-Truth World

ReadOasis Step 2 In November 2016, Donald Trump wrote some strange words on Twitter. He said that "millions of people... [...]

The Price of Oil and the Pace of Freedom

Thomas Friedman of the New York Times says this. "As the price of oil goes up, the pace of freedom [...]

Meaning to Live (Step 1)

ReadOasis Step 1 Viktor had just married Tilly. She was the love of his life. He was a young doctor [...]

Where Did It All Come From?

ReadOasis Step 2 A father and son are enjoying the night sky together. The moon and stars are shining brightly. [...]

The Good in Nature (Step 3)

By Max L. Knowles ReadOasis Step 3 In November 2004, the BBC News reported this extraordinary story. Near the North [...]

Meaning to Live (Step 3)

ReadOasis Step 3 Viktor had just married Tilly. She was the love of his life. He was a young doctor [...]