How to Hear and Speak Faster

ReadOasis Step 2 Excited, Sunhee walked down the streets of New York City. She entered Times Square. She felt the [...]

Academic Arts — Word Power

ReadOasis Step 2 Too Many Hard Words?When people are learning English, they often find many words they don't know. This [...]

Zombies in English Class

ReadOasis Step 1 John sat down. He opened his English book. But he felt sleepy. He closed his eyes. And [...]

Extensive Reading, Because it Works!

This is Professor Thomas Robb from Kyoto Sangyo University, and he is one of the world's renowned experts on extensive graded reading.  [...]

The Second Chance

ReadOasis Step 1 Sam woke up when his car flew off the road. He heard the sound of breaking glass. [...]

Reading Makes Words Stick in Your Brain

ReadOasis: So here we are with Dr. Paul Nation, Professor Emeritus at the University of Wellington, Victoria (New Zealand).  And of [...]

A Simple Recipe for Learning English

ReadOasis Step 1 To learn English, we need words. Most English native speakers know between 12,000 and 20,000 words. Shakespeare [...]