Understanding Cultures — The Hofstede Model

Problem People from different countries often have trouble understanding each other. This can cause problems at work and in everyday [...]

How Not to Learn English

Esteban wanted to live and work in New Zealand. But he needed to improve his English. He asked himself: ?How [...]

Don?t Learn Culture the Hard Way

ReadOasis Step 2 Tom landed in Japan. He felt excited, but soon he got lost. He couldn?t connect with people. [...]

10 Commandments for Crossing Cultures

ReadOasis Step 2 When we cross cultures, we feel lost. We don't know places, and we can't easily find our [...]

How to Fail at Crossing Cultures!

ReadOasis Step 2 Do you want to stink at crossing cultures? Then don?t learn the language! Do you want to [...]

How to Be a Bad Writer

ReadOasis Step 2 If you want to be a bad writer, what should you do? First, write long, confusing, and [...]

How to Hear and Speak Faster

ReadOasis Step 2 Excited, Sunhee walked down the streets of New York City. She entered Times Square. She felt the [...]

Break Free from Bad Academic Writing!

ReadOasis Step 2 The interviewer's question hit hard. "Why do academics write so poorly? Is it on purpose?" Wait a [...]

A Test of Values ? You Make the Call

ReadOasis Step 2 Jordan stood in line waiting for the doors to open. He felt nervous, but ready. Today's test [...]

How to Avoid Stupid Cultural Mistakes!

ReadOasis Step 2 On his first meeting in Korea, Earl came late. But he entered the meeting room with a [...]