The Winning Mindset — from Gap to Gain

ReadOasis Step 2 Nick stood alone in the green grass. He watched his friends play soccer. But he felt a [...]

Understanding Cultures — The Hofstede Model

Problem People from different countries often have trouble understanding each other. This can cause problems at work and in everyday [...]

Learn Better and Faster

ReadOasis Step 2 Andrew just started university. But like many students, he had bad study habits. He always waited and [...]

The Road Not Taken

By Robert Frost (1916, Public Domain) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be [...]

Face R1 Directly

You decide to face R1 and ask it directly why it is here. "R1, tell me the truth. What are [...]

Look for Clues

You look around your garden for more clues. You find a trail of wires and small parts leading to a [...]

Try to Fix R1 Yourself

You decide to fix R1 yourself. You gather your tools and start examining the robot. "Okay, R1, let's see if [...]

Get Help from Your Neighbor

You take R1 to your neighbor, Mr. Johnson, who is very knowledgeable about robots. "Mr. Johnson, can you help us? [...]

Investigate R1?s Actions

You decide to learn why R1 is in your garden and what it has been doing. You notice some odd [...]

Help R1 Find Its Owner

You decide to help R1 find its owner. The robot provides you with a few pieces of information, but it [...]