Marijuana Lies

ReadOasis Step 2 Al?s Marijuana Story This is Al?s marijuana story. Al was lazy a lot of the time. He [...]

Six Keys to a Healthy Life

ReadOasis Step 3 Jeanne Calment was a French woman who lived 122 years. She was born in 1875 and died [...]

A Little Sleep is Better Than Coffee (Step 1)

ReadOasis Step 1 It has been a long day. You are tired from work and study. What should you do? [...]

What is Health?

By Max L. KnowlesReadOasis Step 1 A doctor was checking an older woman. When he finished, the doctor told her, [...]

A Definition of Health (Step 4)

ReadOasis Step 4 A medical doctor was examining a patient. He summarized his diagnosis in the following way. "You're in [...]

He’s Got the Blues (Step 2)

ReadOasis Step 2 Isaac Newton People of all kinds have had emotional problems. For example, Beethoven, Abraham Lincoln, and Isaac [...]

Why Ban Smoking in Public?

ReadOasis Step 2 More than twenty US states ban smoking in public places. And many countries around the world also [...]


ReadOasis Step 2 A computer needs software, information that tells it how to operate. A computer cannot work without software. [...]

The Way of Green Tea (Step 2)

ReadOasis Step 2 People have been drinking green tea for about 5,000 years. Green tea came from China. And today [...]

The Weight of a Nation (Step 2)

ReadOasis Step 2 The sun had just set on Waikiki Beach. A soft wind from the sea ran through the [...]