He’s Got the Blues (Step 2)

ReadOasis Step 2 Isaac Newton People of all kinds have had emotional problems. For example, Beethoven, Abraham Lincoln, and Isaac [...]

Doctor Goldsmith

ReadOasis Step 1 (Part 1) There was once a kind man whose name was Oliver Goldsmith. Goldsmith had a gentle [...]

5 More Amazing Facts About Reading

ReadOasis Step 2 Imagine that you know a secret. Your secret is a powerful idea for change. It can change [...]

Why Ban Smoking in Public?

ReadOasis Step 2 More than twenty US states ban smoking in public places. And many countries around the world also [...]

The Mink and the Wolf

By Andrew Lang (The Orange Fairy Book) ReadOasis Step 3 (Part 1) Creative Commons Photo by tsaiproject.jpg In a big [...]

Pleasure, Success, and Reading

ReadOasis Step 2 (Part 1) Mary lay down on the sofa with her book, and she opened it again. She [...]

The Power of Wind

ReadOasis Step 2 In August 2003, electrical power went out in a large part of North America. Ten million people [...]

Simple Steps for Learning English

By Ashley J. Hastings, PhD President, Global Language Education Service, Inc. Many people around the world are studying English. They need [...]

The Wolf in a Sheep’s Suit

ReadOasis Step 1 (Part 1) "A Hungry Wolf by Bruce McKay" The wolf was hungry. He hadn't eaten in days. [...]

Prince Wicked and the Grateful Animals

More Jataka Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt ReadOasis Step 3 (Part 1) Once upon a time a king had a [...]